Oral-Hygiene-Habits-People-Dont-Know-About | Smile Designers of North Wales

Oral Hygiene Habits People Don’t Know About

We all think we know how to properly take care of our oral health; however, for most people, there are key steps that are often forgotten. We’re going to take you through some important steps for your oral health that are either forgotten are most people don’t know exist. Replacing Your Toothbrush Replacing your toothbrush…

How to Keep Your Teeth White Smile Designers of North Wales

How to Keep Your Teeth White Tips

There are many ways to make your teeth whiter. Whitening treatments and whitening strips are the most common ways to keep your teeth white. Although these methods of helpful and show results, they do not last forever. Here are some ways to keep your smile looking bright and white. 1. Try to avoid food or…

Keep Your Gums Healthy | Smile Designers of North Wales

How to Keep Your Gums Healthy

Many people will focus solely on the care and health of their teeth. While this is extremely important, it is also vital to focus of the care and health of your gums in order to prevent gingivitis (gum inflammation) and periodontitis (gum disease). Here is a list of things you can do to keep your…

Benefits of Using an Electric Toothbrush | Smile Designers of North Wales

Benefits of Using an Electric Toothbrush

Morning routines consist of several tasks—making your bed, washing your face, doing your hair, and what some may argue is the most important: brushing your teeth. Although this is something everyone should do every single day, it is often not done correctly. Electric toothbrushes can help make this morning task much easier than a standard…

Halloween Candy | Smile Designers of North Wales

Halloween Candy VS Your Teeth

The Halloween season is upon us, which means so are the candies that you or your child will be enjoying. It comes as no surprise that candy isn’t great for your teeth, but some candies are better than others. Let’s look at a few examples of popular Halloween candies and how they affect your teeth.…

tooth sensitivity north wales pa

Sensitive Teeth?

If you suffer from tooth sensitivity to cold, hot, or sweets, you may struggle to eat or drink certain foods or liquids. Tooth sensitivity can come and go and is often caused by an exposed nerve on root areas of the teeth or by receded gums. The root area of teeth, unlike the crowns, are…